Thursday, December 3, 2009

Open or Closed? This Decision Could be Your Last

Myths equal death. Most myths are so outrageous that anybody with a hint of common sense would not believe them. But then there are those other myths that are so convincing Isaac Newton himself would have believed them. However some of those myths can be busted and lack the scientific support to be proven a fact and not a myth. The myth that I will be discussing has to do with tornado safety. That is, a window should be left open during a tornado to equalize pressure and prevent the house from imploding. This myth sounds scientific enough with those big words like equalize and pressure and imploding but take a closer look.

Although many people believe that a window should be left open during a tornado to reverse the pressure of the incoming winds and this has been tested many times. The idea that a window should be left open has been tested and has led scientists to disastrous results. This is because when a window is opened the ravenous wind from the tornado blitzes into the house funneling in high air pressure and causing the roof to be lifted off of the house sometimes taking the house with it. As a result the walls are left without a support and they then begin to collapse. Thus creating the appearance of an explosion or implosion when really the house has just lost its frame.
When experts were questioned about these events many
stated that opening a window can be a costly mistake. They also 
stated that when one occupies his or her self with the task of opening a 
window they are just putting the people in the house at further risk buy
consuming valuable time that they could be using to find a safe place to
hide. One expert argued that a single thin sheet of glass will probably not make a difference whether closed or open. He quickly came to realize that he was wrong and that window could be the difference between life and death. And that who ever started this myth was probably doing so to give some people who had never been through a tornado some hope. And when he realized that this is false he could not wait to tell people that what they were currently doing was not safe or reasonable. He proved this myth false.

There are many websites available to help you with any questions you may have about this subject and other tornado safety tips and myths. Such as where the safest place to go during a tornado is or if you are not near shelter what should you do. One of these websites is Orato Speak form Experience: Myths about Tornados and Twisters. This website provides information about what is true like what you should do in the event of a tornado and what you should not do during a tornado.

What should you do . . .
            Many people believe that they know what to do during a tornado. But did you know that you should never open a window during a tornado. Also people believe that during a tornado shelter should be taken in the southwest corner of the basement. This is also false because tornado's are unpredictable so it could change its direction at any time making the southwest corner vulnerable. More dos and dont's during a tornado can be found at Tornado Project: Myths and Misconceptions.  This has been another myth busted and there are many more to come.             

Wednesday, November 4, 2009